By AVM Ibrahim Umar (rtd)

Happy birthday Sen. Kwankwaso: Doyen of security, human development in modern Kano

By AVM Ibrahim Umar (rtd)

One tree that stands out above all others is the Iroko. The Iroko is a forest giant.

In parts of Nigeria, people believe that an Iroko was the first tree that God showed to human beings and that it brings forth souls for the newborn.

A strong man may be given the nickname Iroko.

At 68, His Excellency, Senator Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso (PhD), has brought forth vibrant souls and newborns in the political firmament of Nigeria, nay Kano, known to be the most political-conscious state across the country.

His towered legacies remain unequaled as he keeps commanding multitude of followers who have continued to tap from the honeypot of his political prowess.

The Jagora remains the Iroko of democracy. The Doyen of security and human development of modern Kano.

Indeed, a perfect man comes from no ideal standard of looks. A perfect man is, to me, someone who makes the world or people better.

This is hard to describe, but a perfect man is someone who has a beautiful soul and is nice and kind-hearted, but also has an inner strength.

A perfect man does not put people down or bully others and can see the beauty of everyone around him, and knows that no one is perfect including himself.

A perfect man does not care about whether or not he is the perfect man, but whether his actions and dealings are having positive impacts on people around him.

A great addition, to this man would be someone who could laugh at himself and still spread love and, for him, like the Shepherd, his flock must be nurtured, nourished and feed to grow, even at the expense of his own discomfort.

I have found that perfect man in the Icon, the great leader and Grand Commander of the Kwankwassiyya Movement, His Excellency, Senator Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso – the strong man of Kano politics.

At 68, you have achieved more than expected.

From your cradle, you have been the leading light, playing great roles in building people and the nation.

In your several positions of authority, you are excelling – leaving uncommon legacies that builds and shape the future.
The innovations and inventions you brought to bear as governor, have remained the cornerstones for which the foundation of modern Kano stands strong.

In celebrating you at 68, I beg to confine myself within the giant strides you made in the area of security; and to an extent, human development, as the Executive Governor of Kano State.

Independent Power Project (IPP):
It is on record that the Independent Power Project (IPP) started during your first tenure, primarily conceived to encourage industrialization and energize the ambitious street lighting project which crisscrossed the entire length and breath of the sprawling capital city and to also power the water turbines.

Adorning Kano streets with street lights remain part of your strategies of fighting insecurity, violent crimes and armed robbery.
Street Begging:

You pioneered legislation against street begging by the young and old so as to emphasize human dignity.

Perhaps, your prominent and outstanding achievement is in humanitarian initiative intentionally introduced to cater for the weak, infirm and the less privileged, otherwise called the dregs of the society.

You took beggars off Kano streets. You put them through the skill acquisition centers and paid them N10,000 per month.

You mobilize them with between N65, 000 and N150,000 upon graduation plus equipment relevant to the kind of businesses they have been trained to engage in.

You are a compassionate leader!
Drug Abuse:

You introduced a rehabilitation programme for drug addicts after routing drug barons out of business.

You established the Kano Reformatory Institute in Kiru, and brought in experts like Dr. Ekpein Appah, the camp co-ordinator, who manned it to the level of global best practices; and saved hundreds of thousands of our young people from ruining their future.

Verifiable data from the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) showed that before your intervention at that time, over 37 per cent of the population in the state, particularly youths, were drug abusers. That was the highest figure nationwide.

Kano also had the highest number of people arrested for illicit drug trafficking or drug use. But your interventions and adequate support to the NDLEA saved Kano from the drug menace.

Your administration realised that the idea of arresting drug abusers and sending them to jail does not work.

They just get stuck in a cycle and come back to harm society when they are released.

Your Excellency, in your wisdom, you decided to not only reform them, but also empowered them to become better persons and productive to the society.

The drug abusers were brought into the Reformatory Institute for 60 days where they underwent three major components of training programme: Medicals, which comprised of screening and detoxification, counselling and finally skills acquisition.

You adopted a multi-dimensional approach to solving the problem of drug abuse and peddling that bedevilled the state.

You utilized public enlightenment, engagement of parents and other critical stakeholders, as well as, the establishment of two special task forces on proliferation of illicit drugs and medical consumables.
You banned unwholesome sale of drugs and other medical consumables in all parts of the state, especially, at Sabon Gari Market through NDLEA and NAFDAC.

The banning led to confiscation and destruction of fake drugs worth billions of Naira.
Pained that the successive administration destroyed the solid foundation and legacy you left behind in the fight against drug abuse, during your 65th birth day, on October 21, 2021, you commissioned a private rehabilitation clinic, depression management and reformatory centre in the state, as part of activities to mark that special day.

Community Re-orientation Committees (CRC):

Your Excellency, in your wisdom, you established the Community Re-orientation Committees (CRC) spread across the nooks and crannies of the 44 Local Government Areas who helped in not only maintaining peace and order, but also ensured that democratic dividends got to the door step of the common man in the hinterland.

Interestingly, the facilitation of your catalogue of achievement was through Community Orientation Committees, rooted at grassroots to give you solid and wholesome support. No wonder therefore the masses are now full of praises for you, as you spontaneous crowd, everywhere you go!

Combating Boko Haram:

Sadly on January 21, 2012, less than a year into your second tenure, the Boko Haram entered the scene.
Kano witnessed one of the worst attacks of terrorism in Nigeria’s history: 178 people were killed in a series of coordinated bomb blasts and shooting sprees. The streets were quiet in Kano.

But that scenario did not last for too long, as you galvanized your wealth of experience as a Defence Minister to send the terrorists packing from Kano.

You gave Boko Haram a final quit notice, that they did not delay to obey.

You organized a joint military Task-Force that tackled the insurgents and forced them permanently out of Kano state.
You inaugurated intelligence gathering units, both within the security circle and civilians, that helped security agencies in monitoring the terrorists’ Modus Operandi.

You ensured that the people were enlightened and re-orientated on the need to reject the subtle antics of the terrorists.

Like a puff of smoke, Boko Haram disappeared from Kano. They disappeared forever. The magic you used in dissipating and dispersing the terrorists remain incomprehensible till date.

Estaishmemt Of Security Guards, Neighborhood Watch And Task-Force On Phone Snatching:
Before you stepped in, many youths were mostly used as political thugs by politicians and they virtually hang around government offices to beg for survival as they had nothing doing, while most of them took to burglary, phone-snatching and other violent crimes to survive.

To curb the ugly trend, you inaugurated a taskforce committee that fought phone-snatching and other violent crimes.

You established the Security Guards Institute, with the aim of curtailing youth restiveness, crime, thuggery and joblessness of the uneducated youths in Kano.

In the Security Guard Institute, many jobless youths were trained and employed as security guards of government and private agencies with others engaged as Kano Road Transport Agency (KAROTA) staff.

Undoubtedly, that put smiles on the faces of parents, spouses, relatives and children of the employees, as they were converted from socio-security time-bombs to productive citizens and breadwinners of their respective families.

Through that initiatives, the state witnessed a socio-economic boom and favorable security atmosphere.
Hence, people went about their daily tasks with peace of mind and tranquility without the fear of intimidation by jobless youths.

The Neighbourhood Watch vigilante security outfit and the Operation Stop Snatching Phone are the two groups you created to complement the efforts of security agencies in fighting crime and maintaining peace and order in the localities.

The Neighbourhood Watch agents also keep watch on movements within the communities and border towns, gather intelligence on infiltration of bandits, cattle rustlers and other alien criminal elements.

Estaishmemt Of 26 Institutes and 44 Skills Aquisition Centres/Youth Empowerment:

Like the good shepherd that always cares for his sheep.

Your zeal to ensure that the teeming youths of Kano were economically and educationally empowered, you established over 26 Institutes and 44 Skills Acquisition Centres across the three Senatorial Zones and 44 local government areas of the state, where our youths were trained on different skills and disciplines, ranging from sports, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Engineering, Manufacturing, Animal Rearing, Mechanics, Fashion Designing, Shoe Making, Journalism, Social Media Experts, etc.

The establishment of the skills acquisition centres was a beacon of hope for Kano’s youth and women.
The institutions were vital for fostering entrepreneurship and skill development among youth and women.

They fuelled economic growth and job creation. The essence of establishing the Institutions was derived from the passion of an enthusiastic advocate of good governance and collective prosperity, Senator Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso.

Established with a mandate to equip Kano’s youth and women with soft and hard skills in various fields, the Kwankwassiyya entrepreneurship institutions laid the groundwork for a new generation of innovators and entrepreneurs.

These institutions, notably the Kwankwasiyya Skills Acquisition Centers, the Kwankwasiyya Women Empowerment Scheme, and the Kwankwasiyya Youth Empowerment Scheme, played a pivotal role in nurturing a culture of entrepreneurship and economic growth in Kano State.

They advanced economic growth and youth empowerment. Beyond skill development, these institutions were designed to catalyze economic growth and prosperity in the state.

They provided the necessary platform for the youth to tap into the potential of the twenty-first-century economy.
Their significance extended beyond the borders of Kano State, influencing the broader Nigerian economic landscape.

They served as a potential boost for Kano state’s economy. The institutions fostered skilled entrepreneurship, and significantly contributed to job creation, wealth generation, and overall economic growth.

Your Excellency, you equipped jobless youths with 250 tear-rubber or brand new Toyota Corollas which cost the state government over N1.1 billion, with 750 more which were distributed before May 29, 2015, when you left office.

These youths who have become proud fathers today, are still using the cars for Luxury Taxi Services in the state.

Establishment of the Security Communication Centre (SCC):
You established the all-important Security Communication Centre located under the Kofar Nassarawa Bridge. It was established to serve as Quick Response Centre (QRC).
It was designed and equipped with modern CCTV Cameras and manned by various security personnel.

The communication Centre is covering 10 identified locations namely: Zaria Road/Dangi Flyover; Emir’s Palace premises; SSG Office premises; Government House Roundabout; Iyaka Road; Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso Flyover K/Nassarawa; IBB Way/Obasanjo Road Roundabout; IBB Road by Plaza Junction; BUK Road by Gidan Murtala.

Through surveillance cameras, the police can both prevent crimes from happening, and can quickly solve criminal cases with material evidence. In addition, surveillance cameras protect against property theft, and vandalism.

With the facility, security of lives and property within the metropolitan Kano is boosted. Security agencies will always have a lead while trying to figure out hidden crimes and suspicious movements within their areas of coverage.

Establishment Of Kano Road And Traffic Agency (KAROTA):

Your Excellency, Kano metropolitan just like any other developing cities witnessing rapid growth, is also confronted with some of the most daunting infrastructural challenges.

Mobility is becoming increasingly difficult and dangerous to the detriment of the city’s economy and the wellbeing of its inhabitants.

The unruly behavior of road users, alongside with the concomitant effects has considerably caused a sharp increase in the violation of traffic rules and regulations, incidence of traffic accidents, as well as, wanton abuse by road users.

It is in view of the above challenges, and of course, with the aim of attaining future ambitions in the area of transport and streamlining the menace on our roads, that state government, under your watch, in May 2012, critically analyzed the sector and proffered recommendation on feasible ways to restore normalcy and ensure decent, safe, reliable mode of public transport in the state, as well as, expanding the Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) base for unprecedented inflow of fund as commercial transport business are increasing daily.

Thus the establishment of Kano Road and Traffic Agency (KAROTA) As stated in KAROTA Law 2012, as amended in Law 2022 on the establishment and powers of KAROTA: “There is hereby established in the state body be known as the Kano Roads and Traffic Agency.”

The agency shall: be a body corporate with perpetual succession and common seal. The agency should have powers to sue and be sued in its corporate identity.; capable of holding, acquiring and disposing property moveable or immoveable for the purpose of exercising its functions as specified by the law.

Indeed, KAROTA has reduced the problem of youth restiveness and umemployment as the staff strength has grown from 1500 in 2012 to over 3000 staff with attractive and pensionable salary in 2023.

The agency has been expanding its horizons with the establishment of KAROTA Mobile Court;
establishment of KAROTA Special Marshalls; staff overhauling and staff records; training and discipline of the staff; effective payment of salaries and other welfare packages; creation of zonal offices; reduction the number of illegal Motor Parks; reduction in road side trading; installation of road markings and signs on all the metropolitan roads; establishment of traffic control forum with all traffic Law Enforcement Agencies such as: FRSC, Nigerian Police, VIO, DSS, Hisbah, Vigilante and NSCDC as members chaired by KAROTA; introduction of passenger manifest in all Motor Parks, among many other positive strides.

Going forward, Your Excellency, I make bold to summarize a fraction of your noble achievements and exemplary qualities as the Executive Governor of Kano State to include: prudence in the management of resources; Visionary leadership; Man of integrity; Man of the people; Detribalized leader; and he is number one in education among the Governors in Nigeria- free education at all levels including university education.

Others are he provided scholarships to more than 2,500 Kano indigenes for their first degree in private universities in Nigeria and equipped them with free laptops. He paid N1 million per year per student to take care of their tuition, accommodation and feeding; Transparent leadership by publishing the minutes of all the state executive council meetings; Training 100 Kano graduates sponsored to become pilots in Jordan- they are all set to graduate in 2015. It costs around $10 million to train such huge number of pilots in most highly reputable aviation schools; 300 graduates sponsored to different areas of advanced degree specialization in medicine; 100 graduates sponsored for their Masters’ degree in Pharmacy; 24 graduates sponsored for their Masters’ degree in various fields of Engineering; Paid the school fees (N17 million per year) of all the Kano law graduates at the five campuses of the Nigerian law school; and Abolished office of First Lady.

The rest are he abolished security vote that runs into billions of naira and is a typical corruption conduit; Stopped sponsoring religious pilgrimages thereby saving billions of Naira; Spent 75% of annual budget on capital projects that benefits the people directly instead of the typical 30% spent by President Jonathan and most state governments on capital projects; Stopped ram buying for civil servants and saved billions of naira from this and other areas of waste which has been channeled into making education free from Primary school to University level; Invested N1.1 billion in the purchase of 250 brand new cars and handed it over to unemployed graduates for them to run a luxury taxi business; and Met empty treasury, a debt burden of N77 billion and an additional $203 million in foreign loans on assumption of office, he has through prudent management of resources put Kano State on the path of accelerated development.

More are that thousands of classrooms and hundreds of teachers offices were constructed in primary schools across the state; Free breakfast and lunch in primary and secondary schools during school hours; Free uniforms and free books encouraged children of the less privileged in the state to go to school; In order to provide access roads for the rural communities, started the construction of a five- kilometre road in the headquarters of each of the 44 local government areas of the state; Constructed numerous road and flyover projects across the entire state that makes Kano state look like Dubai; Constructed a 2km underpass, the first of its kind in Nigeria; Over 2000 health technology graduates and pharmacists were trained and given free N50,000 and a non interest loan of N100,000 to operate pharmacies under the LAFIYA JARI Programme; Ensured adequate water supply to the people of Kano state as water supply rose from the meager 40 million litres per day that was being pumped into the city to 500 million litres per day as of June 2014; and Unprecedented Upgrade and proper equipping of primary health care centers and government hospitals across Kano state.

Similarly , he built three new cities namely: Kwankwasiyya city, Amana city and Bandarawo citiy. These are cities not housing estates. They are cities in the true sense of the word.
He also trained 1,700 youths in the use of modern farm equipment and each mobilized with the sum of N260, 000 each; All medical students who are Kano residents got a level nine civil service level salary per month from their first year of medical school to their housemanship – the firt of its kind in the country; Built two universities and several academic institutions within three years and offered the Kano residents who attend 100% free education at all levels in Kano State; Trained 1120 unemployed youths as vulcanizers and mechanics and gave each of them between N53, 000 and N63, 000 and a tool box and machines to set up their own businesses; and spent N3.3 billion annually to feed primary and secondary school students!

He created constructed, developed and funded of Kano University of Science and Technology with seven faculties and 29 departments; Created, constructed and funded Northwest University with four faculties and 16 departments; Established and funded School of Nursing and Midwifery, Madobi; Established and funded School of Nursing, Gezawa; Established and funded School of Health Technology, Bebeji; Established and funded School of Informatics Studies, Kura; Started degree awarding programs at College of Education, Kano; and stafted NCE and degree program at School of Legal Studies Kano.

Even as Nigerians suffer hunger and hardship in the current government at the federal level, there is hope that things will only get better if all Nigerians take our destiny in our own hands to effect a change come 2027.

Once again, the Iroko of Nigeria politics, Senator Kwankwaso is making himself availble to use his wealth of experience to rescue Nigerians from the shackles of bad leadership.

He has served at the Lower Chamber of the National Assembly as a Deputy Speaker.

He has served at the Upper Chamber of the National Assembly, not as a bench warmer, but as a high-ranking and out-spoken Senator that brought vibrant ideas and legislations that moved Nigeria forward.

Our leader has also served as two-time governor of our great Kano state during which he championed positive revolutions in all sectors of governance.
He has served as a Minister of Defence.

During his tenure, vibrant strategies were introduced within the security circle—-those strategies curbed insecurity across the country and Nigerians were happy.

Let Nigerians rally round Senator Kwankwaso for a better Nigeria in 2027. We can do it.

Let all Nigerians stand up and salute the Iroko at 68.
Let us give our next president, a standing ovation.

Stand up and clap for the man of the people, the lover of the down-trodden, the liberator of the women folk and the youth, the friend of the physically challenged, the elderly, the worker, the pensioner and the common man.
Let us stand up for this lover of education, lover of the youth and a man of integrity.

Your Excellency, Senator Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, our leader and mentor, congratulations for attaining the 68th milestone on this day, October 21, 2024.

AVM Umar (rtd) is the Director-General, Special Services Directorate, Government House, Kano

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